Friday, December 17, 2010

Have you ever watched a movie that changed your life? “Presumed Guilty” changed mine

I started this blog some months ago to talk about my new life in New England. At the same time I started my blog in Spanish to discuss some of the same topics but in Spanish. The problem is that every time I start typing in Spanish and I read/see news from Mexico I feel that whatever I am saying is really silly, that I should be doing something to help my country to find its way back to a safe place where its citizens are not afraid to go out, etc. The problem is that I am far away and I am one and how can I make a difference?

Three weeks ago my husband and I went to the David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies at Harvard University. We were there because we wanted to volunteer for the Boston Latino Film Festival and a meeting was being held that day for volunteers. After that, the head of the festival mentioned that there was a Mexican documentary playing next door. So we went in and what a surprise! They were playing Presumed Guilty, not only did we watched the film, we had the honor to listen to Roberto Hernandez one of the producers of the film. Now, I do not know Roberto personally but when he spoke he didn’t introduced himself as this big wig guy, he said, I am a law student at Berkeley, Mexican and did this because things need to change in our country, if we don’t work towards change we are going to lose our country…. I finished his sentence in my mind: lose it to corruption, to drug cartels, to politicians that work in pro of their own agendas and then it hit me right in the head. 

This is what I feel every time I go to Mexico, if we don’t do something, we are going to lose our country. The best part is that I just have the feelings with no motion but Roberto and his team had done this film to put the finger on the corrupt systems we have in Mexico. Change is possible if we are all together on this. And thanks to Presunto Culpable and Roberto, my hopes for a better future have been reborn.

I am still thinking on how I can make a difference but in the meantime, a good start is promoting Presumed Guilty (Presunto Culpable). The movie has been played in many many film festivals and will be played in many theaters in Mexico this coming February. One of the objectives is to create awareness in Mexico not only about how the legal system doesn’t work (we all know that) but that change is possible. It costs $700 dollars to make a copy of the movie for a theater; the point is to educate as many Mexicans as possible. It is like, no Mexican left behind! So, since we are in a holiday season, I have no shame to ask, if you have some extra cash, please donate to this cause here, you will be giving a Christmas gift to an entire country.

Thanks for reading.

12 for 12 - I am a little bit late but here I am!

Ok, so two weeks ago I read about this 12 for 12 thing. You take 12 pictures throughout your day that represent what you did on the 12th of each month. I thought it was a great idea and I committed myself to do it. I did take the pictures and planned the blog posting but haven't had time to get to it, until now! Ok, so I am late for 5 days but it has to count that I posted, right?

Here we go:
My husband and I started the day baking. This month the 12th was on a Sunday and on Saturday we went grocery shopping and planned to do some baking on Sunday. We started with banana chocolate/peanut butter chip muffins. Here I am mixing the ingredients:
Then, we poured the mix on the muffin mold:
And see what we got:
We did a stop to have breakfast and listen to my favorite CD for this season:
Then we got to try this little guy:
My husband wanted to bake his own bread, so I got to stand by the kitchen counter and watch him do his magic:

Look at my husband's work of art (edible art):

And since we had some maple syrup butter from the day before, we had to try the fruits of Henry's baking efforts:
Then, I kept going with the Christmas tree decoration. We have it up since Black Friday but I was still working on the last touches. One of our favorite decorations...the North Pole train!
I also worked on wrapping up some of the gifts that we got at the Maple Syrup Farm that we visited in New Hampshire on Saturday:
After that, I ran to take a shower and get ready because we needed to head out to uncle Johny's house to celebrate his 60th birthday. Getting ready is always hard for me, I need to try on stuff and decide if my clothes  match my mood:
We headed out and had a great time at the party including watching the Patriots game (of course). I enjoyed a lot seeing my husband's family having such a great time, once again, I am happy to have moved closed to them. And that is the end of a day full of fun!