Friday, December 17, 2010

12 for 12 - I am a little bit late but here I am!

Ok, so two weeks ago I read about this 12 for 12 thing. You take 12 pictures throughout your day that represent what you did on the 12th of each month. I thought it was a great idea and I committed myself to do it. I did take the pictures and planned the blog posting but haven't had time to get to it, until now! Ok, so I am late for 5 days but it has to count that I posted, right?

Here we go:
My husband and I started the day baking. This month the 12th was on a Sunday and on Saturday we went grocery shopping and planned to do some baking on Sunday. We started with banana chocolate/peanut butter chip muffins. Here I am mixing the ingredients:
Then, we poured the mix on the muffin mold:
And see what we got:
We did a stop to have breakfast and listen to my favorite CD for this season:
Then we got to try this little guy:
My husband wanted to bake his own bread, so I got to stand by the kitchen counter and watch him do his magic:

Look at my husband's work of art (edible art):

And since we had some maple syrup butter from the day before, we had to try the fruits of Henry's baking efforts:
Then, I kept going with the Christmas tree decoration. We have it up since Black Friday but I was still working on the last touches. One of our favorite decorations...the North Pole train!
I also worked on wrapping up some of the gifts that we got at the Maple Syrup Farm that we visited in New Hampshire on Saturday:
After that, I ran to take a shower and get ready because we needed to head out to uncle Johny's house to celebrate his 60th birthday. Getting ready is always hard for me, I need to try on stuff and decide if my clothes  match my mood:
We headed out and had a great time at the party including watching the Patriots game (of course). I enjoyed a lot seeing my husband's family having such a great time, once again, I am happy to have moved closed to them. And that is the end of a day full of fun!

1 comment:

  1. Ale, this is fun! Do you know, I have been "meaning to" do 12 of 12 for years and never have actually made it happen. Ha! I guess I first heard of it in 2005 when I worked at the scrapbook store and started following a few blogs. That's cool that you did it! I really enjoyed seeing evidence of your day and seeing some things from your day to day. Your tree is BEAUTIFUL!!

    Maybe I'll do this next month. :)
